"The power of the web is in its universality. Access by everyone regardless of disability is an essential aspect."
-- Tim Berners-Lee, W3C Director and Inventor of World Wide Web.
Shadow Computers believes in what Tim Berners-Lee said and makes every effort to ensure that this web site is accessible to all visitors, regardless of the use of any software or hardware, and its configuration.
Shadow Computers does its best to comply with the standards set by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). W3C was created in October 1994 to lead the World Wide Web to its full potential by developing common protocols that promote its evolution and ensure its interoperability. More information about the W3C can be found on the W3C web site.
On each page that has been tested against the Web Access Initiative (WAI) established by the W3C is shown at the bottom of each page.
If the page has been CSS and/or HTML validated then their logos will be shown in the same place. If the page has been CSS or HTML validated you can re-test the validation of the page by clicking on the icon (or link if using text only).
To test the each page against the WAI, Shadow Computers tested pages with Bobby.
Bobby is a comprehensive web accessibility software tool designed to help expose and repair barriers to accessibility and encourage compliance with existing accessibility guidelines. Bobby tests web pages using the guidelines established by the W3C WAI
For any persons that prefer the text only view on web pages, Shadow Computers uses BETSIE (BBC Education Text to Speech Internet Enhancer) to enable this functionality. To use this functionality on this web site, you can find a link labeled 'Text only' under the 'Site Tools' menu.
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Shadow Computers has tested this site using the following browsers on Microsoft Windows XP:
This web site has been designed to work on screen resolutions of 640px by 480px.
Please contact us if you believe this site is not working as it should. If you could provide the details of the operating system and internet browser you are using, it would be helpful.
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Downloadable material on this web site, where possible will be in Portable Document Format (PDF).
PDF files can be viewed on most major operating systems, and software to view PDF files can be downloaded and installed for free.
To read a PDF document with a screen reader, please visit the Access Adobe web site which provides useful tools and resources. Adobe also has free online conversion tools for PDF documents.
To download a free copy of Adobe Acrobat visit the Adobe Acrobat Download page.
Copyright © Shadow Computers 2025